Friday, March 5, 2010

Cardiac Activity

The heart is a muscle that contracts regularly at around 70 beats per minute. Heart contractions allow blood pumping to all body organs and tissues. Contractions of the atriums and ventricles occur simultaneously. During each heart beat, the right ventricle sends blood through the pulmonary artery into the pulmonary system. Once in the pulmonary system, blood gets oxygenated and its send back through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, which ultimately carries blood to the left ventricle to be pumped through the aorta thus distributing it to the rest of the body.

Source: (Blood pressure monitoring)

What's the difference between the systolic and diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle?

Lebdeh, D., Dakroub, R., Seif, N., & Jarjour, Z. (2000). Life and Earth Sciences. Sin-El-Fil, Lebanon: Lebanese Educational Publishing Company.


  1. Systolic is the maximum blood pressure and diastolic is the minimum blood pressure!
    Thanks for these meaningful information.

  2. systolic phase is characterised by the contraction of the ventricule to push the blood into the pulmonary trunk or aorta... Diastoly is the ventrical relaxation, when the ventricule is being filled by blood coming from the atrium :)
