Friday, March 5, 2010

The Heart

The heart is an organ made up of a hollow muscle called the myocardium. The main function of the heart is to pump blood through a system of blood vessels to all body organs and tissues. The heart of an adult weight approximately 300 grams. The right and left heart do not communicate, blood circulates inside structures that prevent back flow due to presence of one way valves.
What structure of the heart permits this function? How is the cardiac activity manifested?

Source: Geriatrics: Aging changes in Cardiovascular System (Heart and Blood Vessels):


  1. I like the blog.There are enough pictures for the text .The function of the heart is hard to explain but the higlihted red words makes it easier to understand.

  2. The four heart "valves" are the structures that permit the blood to circulate throught the heart chambers and prevents backflow of blood.
    PS. Nice and colorful blog :)
